Sex Therapy
93% of couples using the service said it improved their sex lives
It doesn't matter if you’re on your own, married, living together, LGBTQI+, non-monogamous or anything in between, it’s natural to want better sex. Sometimes there are specific reasons for your difficulties. Don’t be embarrassed about it, we’re here to help. Relate Avon provides Sex Therapy in Bristol, Bath and the surrounding areas.
What is Sex Therapy?
Most people have a problem with sex at some point in their life. Sometimes dealing with these issues alone can cause distress and unhappiness. Our sex therapists offer a supportive and confidential space to help you work through difficulties so that you can start enjoying sex again.
It’s a service that has been around for over 50 years. Also known as psychosexual therapy, it’s a special type of counselling that helps couples and individuals with problems and concerns in their sex life. It can be incredibly rewarding, and make a big difference.
You’ll see a fully qualified relationship counsellor who’s undertaken additional training in the physical, emotional and psychological issues around sex. They’re also trained to help put you at your ease, as talking to a total stranger about your sex problems is a daunting prospect for anyone! But it might just be what you need.
What sort of issues can Sex Therapy help with?
People come to Sex Therapy with many different concerns. If you've stopped having sex or are having sexual problems then this programme can help.
These are some of the common areas our sex therapists help with:
Having a different level of sex drive to your partner
Problems getting aroused
Feeling you're not having enough sex
Difficulty getting or keeping an erection
Difficulties with orgasm, like struggling to experience one or climaxing too quickly
Problems with intercourse such as finding it difficult or painful
Sexual addiction
A lack of enjoyment or interest for one or both partners.
We help with a wide range of issues, including others not covered in the list above.
What happens in Sex Therapy?
In your first session, your therapist will ask you to talk about the issues you're experiencing, before deciding on the best way forward.
If you're in a relationship you may also explore if any unresolved tensions or communication issues may be getting in the way. It's helpful if couples can attend together although you can go on your own if you prefer.
If Sex Therapy is considered appropriate, you'll begin to see your sex therapist on a weekly basis. All of the work you do in the therapy room is based on talking, however, you will also be given a personalised plan of exercises to do with your partner in the privacy of your own home.
At your next session you'll discuss with your sex therapist how you're getting on. You may feel a bit embarrassed or awkward at first but our therapists will put you at ease and support you throughout the process.
How much does Sex Therapy cost?
We are a charity and don't make a profit from the services we provide. We charge a fee for Sex Therapy to cover the costs of the sessions. An initial assessment costs £68 with ongoing sessions charged at a rate agreed between you and your counsellor on a sliding scale, starting at £73 and according to your income.
Unfortunately, at present we are unable to offer reduced fees for Sex Therapy.