One Session Therapy

One session therapy is a new service to help you work through a specific issue quickly. It's perfect for individuals or couples who can identify one specific skill they want to build or problem they want to work on.

Maybe you want to strengthen your relationship, but don't think the area of concern needs to be addressed over several counselling sessions.

What kind of issues can you bring to one session therapy?

One session therapy is designed to help couples and individuals work through a specific issue. Examples might include getting through a break up, disagreements over parenting approaches, or not getting along with your in-laws. You can come alone or attend with a friend, family member or partner so that you can work together on an issue with your counsellor.

One session therapy isn't just for when you're struggling with a problem. It's also a great way to build skills, like communication skills, listening skills or set general ambitions to strengthen your relationships.

How much does One Session Therapy cost?

We are a charity and don't make a profit from the services we provide. We charge a fee of £70 to cover the costs of a 50 minute One Session Therapy appointment.

“Really useful session for me, I needed a completely neutral voice in a really emotive challenge I am facing so it was really good to hear and talk to a qualified third-party professional about my situation. This has helped to clearly articulate the issues I am facing, which is a good starting point for me to get the support I need” - Relate client